Shabonee Student Handbook
Table of Contents
Click each tab to view the information for that section.
- Home
- Welcome Letter
- Daily Schedule
- Attendance
- Academic Program
- Support Services
- Special Subjects and Student Programs
- Discipline
- Building Procedures
- Transportation and Safety
- Food and Beverage Procedure
- Other Information
- Selected Board Policies
This elementary student handbook has been prepared through the combined efforts of parents, staff, and administration with the intention of providing you and your child with important information concerning Shabonee School and District 27. This book is designed to serve as a guide for parents and students so that they better understand the policies and procedures designed to assist children’s educational experience. As the need arises during the school year, additional information will either be mailed or sent home with your child. However, the information contained in this handbook should answer most questions you may have. Please carefully review this book with your child(ren) so that their rights and responsibilities are understood.
Mission Statement
Our Mission
Educating Students to Succeed in a Changing World
Our Core Values
Pursue learning that develops individual growth, potential, and leadership to the fullest of our capacity.
Commit to performance excellence as a learning community.
Use performance results to honor our accomplishments, determine our needs, and improve learning experiences and achievements.
Share the responsibility to learn and work in a collaborative environment.
Adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior (both personal and organizational).
Treat others with respect and value differences.
This mission statement was developed by a steering committee of parents, teachers and community members. It was approved by the Board of Education on April 21, 2005.
Welcome Letter
Dear Shabonee School Families:
Welcome to another exciting year of learning at Shabonee School! We are thrilled to have you join our school. Shabonee has numerous opportunities for our children to develop lifelong skills and we hope that your child participates in all that District 27 has to offer.
The Shabonee School Handbook provides a great deal of important information regarding our programs and services, as well as our policies and procedures. Please take time to read the handbook thoroughly and discuss this information with your children. The positive relationship between home and school helps to promote the well-being of our children and their learning process.
We strive to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. To do this, we will utilize our school website, Canvas announcements and principal newsletter to get information out to our parents in a timely manner.
Please feel free to contact any member of our school staff if you have any questions or concerns. We encourage a close proactive relationship with our parents and look forward to working with you. Shabonee is a wonderful
environment for developing young minds and we hope to create lasting memories for your child. Please remember that our door is always open for questions, comments or concerns.
Erin Claydon
Assistant Principal
Daily Schedule
The first bell rings at 8:40 am, and children are expected to be seated and ready to learn by 8:45 am. The student day begins at 8:45 am and ends at 3:15 pm. The lunch period is from 11:35 am – 12:20 pm.
Students are considered tardy if they arrive to school after 8:45 am. In order to preserve instructional time and teach responsible behavior, please make every effort to get your child to school on time. Students who have unexcused tardies may be subject to disciplinary action.
Supervision of children is provided 15 minutes prior to the first morning bell, and for 15 minutes following dismissal. Students may not arrive to school prior to 8:25 am, as no supervisors are present. If a problem arises, it is recommended that you contact a neighbor or parent of your child’s classmate to arrange for transportation to school. For your child’s safety, we ask that you make arrangements as recommended above prior to the beginning of school.
Students may not arrive to school prior to 7:50 am. for any activities before school. There is no entrance into the building prior to that time. For your child’s safety please do not drop off your student prior to 7:50 am.
Absences to be Reported
The habit of regular and faithful attendance is prerequisite to successful school life. Students should be absent only in cases of illness or emergency. The Board of Education directs the school administration and staff to enforce, on a
consistent basis, all school regulations relative to school attendance. These regulations shall require that all absences shall be verified by phone, by the student’s parent or legal guardian. When a student is ill and unable to attend school, parents are asked to call the school office that morning (847.498.4970) by 8:30 a.m. to report the absence. Students absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness will be required to submit a written statement from a physician which includes the diagnoses for the extended absence. If the office staff cannot personally answer the phone call, please leave a message including your child’s name, morning teacher and the reason for the absence. Parents who do not notify the school when their children are absent will receive a phone call from the office staff. This telephone message policy has been implemented in order to ensure the safety and security of your children.
Board of Education policy requires all students to be in full attendance for the entire school day. State attendance reporting regulations require a student must be in attendance 2.5 hours in both the a.m. and p.m. or be reported absent for the respective half day. Students arriving late, but within the 2.5 hour limit shall be considered tardy.
For example:
- Student arrives at 9:45 a.m. - attending less than 2.5 hours in the a.m. between 8:45 a.m. and 12:05 pm – will be considered ABSENT HALF DAY a.m.
- Student arrives at 9:00 a.m. – attending more than 2.5 hours in the a.m. between 8:45 a.m. and 12:05 pm – will be considered TARDY.
- Student leaves at 2:00 p.m. – attending less than 2.5 hours between 12:05 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. – will be considered ABSENT HALF DAY p.m.
- Student is present until 3:05 p.m. – attending more than 2.5 hours in the a.m. and p.m. – will be considered an EARLY DISMISSAL with written parent authorization.
This policy is in compliance with the ISBE attendance regulations and is strictly enforced. Students with chronic absences will receive a truancy letter from the Office of the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Pupil Services. Please make every attempt to get your child to school as often as possible.
Excused Absences
The reasons for an excused absence shall include illness of a student or family emergencies such as a death in the family or a religious holiday. All other absences are unexcused even if the school office or teacher has been notified. Students absent for three or more consecutive days due to illness may be required to submit a written statement from a physician which includes the diagnoses for the extended absence.
Physical Education and Recess Exemptions
Physical Education and recess are considered part of the regular school day. If your child has been ill and returned to school he/she may be excused no more than two consecutive days from PE and/or recess by a written parent request. If an absence for more than three consecutive days is necessary, a note from a physician stating the reason is required.
If a child has been ill or disabled in any manner, a physician must verify any physical education limits upon that child’s return to school. If a physician feels that the child is able to participate in a physical education setting with limitations, those limitations must be clearly identified in the physician’s note. Once those restrictions have been lifted, a note from the physician is required in order for the student to resume normal physical education activities.
There are two major reasons for our emphasis on punctuality; concern over work missed and elimination of irresponsible and discourteous behavior to other learners. A tardy student misses critical instruction and disrupts the instruction of others. If tardiness becomes chronic, the missed work may impair the student’s academic success.
Students who are late to school are to report to the office for a tardy slip before going to class. Excessive tardiness will result in a letter from the Assistant Superintendent for Personnel & Pupil Services. Parents may also be asked to attend a meeting in order to come up with ways to get their child to school on time.
An excused tardy may be given for any written verification for medical purposes or family emergencies. Excused tardies will also be given for late buses. Unexcused tardies are defined as all other reasons.
Academic Program
School District 27’s primary goals are to provide each student with learning opportunities in every academic area, and to develop individual interests so that students will continue their learning activities beyond the formal school setting.
The basic program for grades three, four and five includes reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, art, music, physical education, computer science, library and social-emotional skills.
Copies of curriculum guides and School Board policies are available for parental examination at the school and at the District Office. If you wish to examine such materials, please contact the principal, Dr. John Panozzo, at (847) 498-4970, ext. 4487 or the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, Dr. Katherine Olson, at (847) 498-2610, ext. 5115.
Homework Guidelines
Homework is designed to help students acquire the important learning skills that develop independence and organization. Through the completion of regular homework, the students will also extend classroom-learning experiences. The student will develop their “homework habit” by actively using the Dolphin assignment notebook or by checking Canvas.
Homework at each grade level should build independence by being clear, relevant and appropriate to age/grade. Homework is a crucial link between home and school; therefore, teachers and parents need to communicate regularly about student homework. When students have trouble with an assignment, parents should contact the teacher either by phone, email, or by attaching a note to the challenging assignment.
Each classroom at each grade level is a unique learning environment, however, basic learning objectives and homework expectations should provide a consistent school experience for all children.
Your child’s teachers will review specific homework expectations during Curriculum Night.
Additional Homework Guidelines
Homework over holidays – Homework is not assigned for completion over the District’s Thanksgiving, winter or spring breaks, or on the “District Holidays” indicated on the District calendar. If you observe a religious holiday other than these, please contact your child’s teacher so he/she knows not to assign homework that night.
Homework on weekends – Teachers may assign the same amount of homework on weekends as they would on a school night.
Group projects as homework – When group projects are assigned as homework, students will be given the option of completing the project independently.
Late procedures for homework – Late procedures for homework are to be determined at the teacher’s discretion in keeping with the goal of student success.
Homework for absences – All students will have the option of requesting homework on the first day of an absence due to illness if the parent perceives this to be in the best interest of their child, and if the request is made to the school secretary or classroom teacher by 8:30 a.m. Requests received after 8:30 a.m. will be honored on the following day.
Homework during vacations – In the event that a student has planned an extended unexcused vacation, the parents may request homework prior to the beginning of the vacation. Teachers will provide this homework whenever possible. Upon returning from vacation the child will have the same number of days as he/she was absent, up to a maximum of five days, to complete overdue homework assignments. Test make-ups will be scheduled at the convenience of the teacher. It is not always possible to make up standardized tests.
Canvas – The vast majority of home/school communication for third through fifth grades occurs on our District 27 website. Canvas is where information about the classroom can be found. This secure site allows those with login access to view information pertaining to the classroom such as news, pictures, curriculum content, etc. Parents will receive information about how to access Canvas from their child’s teachers.
Grading System
Students in grade three through five receive report cards three times each school year. In addition to the teacher’s comments, skill achievement is evaluated as follows “Meeting district expectations,” “Making progress, but not meeting district standards,” or “Not making expected progress toward meeting district expectations.”
Third and fourth-graders do not receive letter grades, however, fifth-graders do. The fifth grade grading system used is based on letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F for all subject areas.
Percentage ranges apply to each letter grade. Plus (+) or minus (-) grades are not given. The range of letter grade A through F applies to all levels of instruction and report academic achievement.
A = 100-90%
B = 89-80%
C = 79-70%
D = 69-60%
F = 59-1%
I = Incomplete. Missing work to be made up in a prescribed
period of time.
Support Services
Shabonee School provides students with the supportive services of a Social Worker, Psychologist, Resource teacher, ELP teacher, a Speech and Language Pathologist, Multilingual Learner teacher, and Reading Specialist. The function of these services are to provide support as determined by the educational team:
Social Worker - The social workers meet with students individually, in pairs, or with groups when academic performance is impacted by social/emotional needs. Social workers are also available to parents for consultation regarding their child. The social worker helps students to solve problems that may be affecting their school performance. Students may refer themselves to the social worker or may be referred by a teacher, the principal or their parents.
School Psychologist – Provides assessment to help determine learning strengths and needs of students. In addition, the school psychologist collaborates with staff and parents to problem-solve concerns. The psychologist also provides individual and group counseling for students.
Resource Programs – The resource teacher helps provide various types of special instructional programs for students in consultation with the classroom teacher and other specialists. These programs offer learning assistance primarily in the areas of reading, language arts and mathematics.
ELP – Students in grades four and five are formally identified for gifted reading and language arts programming. Students meet with the ELP teacher during part of the instructional day when their core classmates have reading and language arts instruction.
Speech and Language Pathologist – The speech pathologist is available as classroom teachers detect speech or language problems.
Multilingual Learner - The purpose of this service is to assist children with multilingual backgrounds to acquire skill and competency with the English language. Direct support is given to students based on their current ability to demonstrate command of the English language. Students generally meet in small groups and receive support with their regular academic activities.
Reading Specialist - The reading specialist in consultation with the educational team provides direct reading instruction to identified students.
Parents are notified and must give written consent for their child(ren) to receive ongoing assistance from the resource teachers, social worker, speech pathologist, reading specialists or Multilingual Learner teacher.
Special Subjects and Student Programs
All students receive instruction in physical education daily for 30 minutes, music twice a week for 30 minutes and art twice a week for 40 minutes. The instruction is presented by specialists who provide opportunities for students to learn, express themselves and develop in ways not provided for in the regular classroom. In addition, students in grades four and five may elect to receive instruction in playing an instrument in band or orchestra.
Our school library has a great variety of materials to help students learn. This includes a large collection of books, magazines, and other reference materials. Students formally visit the library one time per week for instruction and to check out books. Students may use the library materials to assist them with their class assignments, to provide enrichment opportunities and to gather information for independent projects. Parents will be charged a replacement fee for books that are damaged or lost.
All students have access to a Chromebook for use during the school day to support the learning process. Please reference the Acceptable Use Policy for further information about technology.
Student Programs
Throughout the school year, classrooms may have special presentations that include parents. Information regarding these activities will be shared in advance by the teacher.
Shabonee students perform grade level music programs throughout the school year. The shows are held in the evening. You are encouraged to attend these programs, which usually last 30 to 40 minutes. Specific information pertaining to these performances will be sent home several weeks prior to the event.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Students’ behavioral expectations are based upon respect and consideration for self and others. Northbrook District 27 utilizes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is built on the belief that most students will succeed when a positive school culture is promoted, informative corrective feedback is provided, academic success is maximized and use of pro-social skills is acknowledged.
Each school in District 27 has documented a matrix of expected behaviors for multiple settings within each building. These expected behaviors are explicitly taught through a series of lessons addressing examples of appropriate and
inappropriate school conduct.
Good discipline is considered to be a function of a well-managed classroom. In most instances discipline is a matter between teacher, student and parent. However, the School District has established a comprehensive discipline policy with the involvement of parents, teachers, Board of Education members and administrators. This policy along with the rights and responsibilities of students is published in the “Rules of Conduct” handbook available online. Parents or guardians are expected to review the rules and regulations and discipline policies governing students with their children. Refer to the “Rules of Conduct” posted online through the District 27 web page.
Rights and Responsibilities
Students, teachers, administrators and parents must work together to promote a healthy and productive learning climate. A solid partnership between the home and the school is important for the well being of the student.
We believe each student has the right:
- To live and learn in a school environment that is conducive to learning
- To physical and emotional safety
- To be recognized as an individual and be treated with dignity and respect
- To take a risk, accept responsibility for the action, and learn from the experience
- To due process with fact finding
- To pride and ownership in the school
- To discipline that is developmentally appropriate
- To consistent attention to the rules and consequences by staff, administration and Board
We believe the teachers, administration and Board have the responsibility to communicate and work cooperatively with parents regarding student school behavior, but it is recognized that the school has the responsibility to take
appropriate measures to assure order and the safety of students and staff.
Parental Concerns
Throughout the year, parents may have questions about their child’s progress, classroom environment, or other procedural issues. Parents are asked to contact their child’s teacher when questions arise. Parents should also feel free to contact the principal when they have questions or concerns and have first spoken to the teacher.
Personal Appearance
Students are expected to dress appropriately and exercise good personal hygiene in respect to their daily appearance. Please remember clothes should cover the midriff and be of the appropriate length during warm weather months. Undergarments should not be visible. School officials may regulate dress and hairstyles when such styles present a health or safety hazard or a disruption to the educational program.
Building Procedures
School Closings
If schools should be closed because of an emergency, prior to the start of the school day, parents will be notified through the District’s emergency notification system. Parents can expect to receive an automated phone call, email, and text message. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide the schools with updated contact information. Emergency closing information is also available through the district website, WGN’s Emergency Closing website, local major radio and TV sources and the district’s social media sites. Please do not call the school during these emergencies.
In the event of an emergency occurring during the school day while children are in attendance, the Superintendent of Schools will initiate the District emergency notification system. Additionally, appropriate action will be taken to ensure the safety of students.
Emergency Procedures
Safety is our top priority. On-going safety threats to schools exist and challenge our District to constantly evaluate our safety protocols, practices and training. Northbrook School District 27 has created a comprehensive emergency
preparedness plan designed to protect the students and staff and to respond in the event of a critical incident. The emergency preparedness plan follows the National Incident Management System (NIMS) incorporating Incident Command System protocol; which includes training, drills, practices and procedures in order to create a comprehensive emergency response plan. Emergency response drills are practiced with students and staff throughout the school year.
Transportation and Safety
Click on a title to view the information below.
The Board of Education approves a contract with a single bus company to serve the entire District 27 area during a school year. The contractual agreement is between the bus company and District 27. Rates are set annually by the Board of Education and billings are sent directly to parents along with their registration fees. Only those students whose parents have paid the bus fee may ride our school buses. Bus passes must be kept in student backpacks at all times.
Students may not ride any bus other than that to which they have been assigned. This means that children may not ride another bus for any reason, and are asked to arrange special transportation privately. The office should be notified in writing if such arrangements have been made. In the interest of safe and orderly transportation to and from school, the following bus rules have been established.
- All students must arrive at the designated bus stops on time. Time schedules will not permit the bus to wait at a stop for students who are late.
- While waiting at the scheduled stops, students must remain in the loading zone areas or on the sidewalk. Student should not stand or run into the street.
- When boarding the bus, students should proceed to an empty seat, filling the vehicle from the rear to front.
- All students must remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students are not allowed to change seats on the bus.
- At no time shall a student place any part of his or her body or throw any object out of an open window or in the bus aisle.
- Food or snacks may not be eaten on the bus.
- Conversation in a normal speaking voice is acceptable. Shouting, whistling, or fighting is not acceptable bus behavior. Such behavior is unsafe and will result in a disciplinary action.
- Students should obey all school rules on the bus.
The principal will be notified by the bus company if there are infractions of the above rules. Students will meet with the principal to discuss the discipline referral from the bus driver. The school principal has the authority to remove a
student from the bus for not following these rules.
If at any time your child’s normal transportation pattern is altered, please be sure the office has been contacted with a note or phone call prior to 2:30 p.m. If the office is not notified, your child will be required to use his/her standard transportation method to get home.
Children who have not signed up for regular bus transportation cannot ride the bus at any time.
Food and Beverage Procedure
Children in grades three through five have a morning snack break. If they wish to do so, each child is responsible for bringing his or her own healthy snack. Only a fruit or vegetable snack will be allowed. Due to concerns over various food allergies or sensitivities children are not allowed to share snacks or lunches. Water bottles are the only beverage allowed in the classroom. Gum chewing is not allowed at Shabonee School at any time.
Lunch Room
Students are expected to remain at Shabonee during the lunch period unless prior arrangements have been made for them to leave school. Students are to report to the lunchroom immediately at the beginning of the lunch period with all items they will need. Classrooms are off limits to students during the lunch period unless students have permission from a teacher to spend the time with that teacher. Lunch is only to be eaten in the lunchroom.
Lunchtime is 45 minutes in length including recess. Children spend half the time in the lunchroom (20 minutes) and the other half of the time at recess (20 minutes) with a five minute transition between lunch and recess.
On occasion, parents bring a lunch to school for their children. We ask that sack lunches be brought and left on the lunch cart in the vestibule by the office. The school office will not accept food deliveries from restaurants in a child’s name. Please do not arrange food deliveries to the school for your child, as that delivery will be refused. Parents are not allowed to provide lunch for anyone other than their own child.
The school staff provides supervision during the lunch and recess period.
Birthday Celebrations
Birthdays are special days at Shabonee School. We ask, however, that birthdays be celebrated with books. Edible treats are not allowed. Children may bring a book to share with the class or donate a birthday gift book to the classroom library. Each classroom teacher will share specific details with parents during the Curriculum Night in September.
Other Information
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The Northbrook Park District, in cooperation with District 27, sponsors a before-school and after-school extended care program for students. This Adventure Campus program is available before school from 7:00 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. as well as after school from 3:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Shabonee School.
Prior registration is necessary to participate in these programs. Registration and additional information can be found in the Northbrook Park District’s website or by calling their registration office at 847-291-2995.
Selected Board Policies
Equal Educational Opportunities/Policy 7:10
Harassment of Students Prohibited/Policy 7:20
Prevention and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment/Policy 7:180 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Student Behavior/Policy 7:190 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Administering Medicines to Students/Policy 7:270 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Student Records/7:340 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window
Acceptable use of District Technology and Network/Policy 6:235 Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window Opens in New Window