Report Student Absence
Option 1
Parents of students who will not be in attendance during the school day are asked to call the school office at 847-498-4970 before 8:15 a.m. to notify the school office of their children's absences as well as the reason for the absence. Absence information may be left on voice mail.
Parents who do not call the school when their children are absent will receive a call from the school. This telephone message policy has been implemented in order to assure safety and security of the children.
Regular attendance is an important part of being a responsible student. Therefore, our Board of Education policy requires all students to be in full attendance for the entire school day. State attendance reporting regulations require a student must be in attendance 2.5 hours in both the a.m. and p.m. or be reported absent for the respective half of the day. Students arriving late, but within the 2.5-hour limit shall be considered tardy.