
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
Students’ behavioral expectations are based upon respect and consideration for self and others. Northbrook District 27 utilizes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). PBIS is built on the belief that most students will succeed when a positive school culture is promoted, informative corrective feedback is provided, academic success is maximized and use of pro-social skills is acknowledged.

Each school in District 27 has documented a matrix of expected behaviors for multiple settings within each building. These expected behaviors are explicitly taught through a series of lessons addressing examples of appropriate and
inappropriate school conduct.

Good discipline is considered to be a function of a well-managed classroom. In most instances discipline is a matter between teacher, student and parent. However, the School District has established a comprehensive discipline policy with the involvement of parents, teachers, Board of Education members and administrators. This policy along with the rights and responsibilities of students is published in the “Rules of Conduct” handbook available online. Parents or guardians are expected to review the rules and regulations and discipline policies governing students with their children. Refer to the “Rules of Conduct” posted online through the District 27 web page.

Rights and Responsibilities

Students, teachers, administrators and parents must work together to promote a healthy and productive learning climate. A solid partnership between the home and the school is important for the well being of the student.

We believe each student has the right:

  • To live and learn in a school environment that is conducive to learning
  • To physical and emotional safety
  • To be recognized as an individual and be treated with dignity and respect
  • To take a risk, accept responsibility for the action, and learn from the experience
  • To due process with fact finding
  • To pride and ownership in the school
  • To discipline that is developmentally appropriate
  • To consistent attention to the rules and consequences by staff, administration and Board

We believe the teachers, administration and Board have the responsibility to communicate and work cooperatively with parents regarding student school behavior, but it is recognized that the school has the responsibility to take
appropriate measures to assure order and the safety of students and staff.

Parental Concerns

Throughout the year, parents may have questions about their child’s progress, classroom environment, or other procedural issues. Parents are asked to contact their child’s teacher when questions arise. Parents should also feel free to contact the principal when they have questions or concerns and have first spoken to the teacher.

Personal Appearance

Students are expected to dress appropriately and exercise good personal hygiene in respect to their daily appearance. Please remember clothes should cover the midriff and be of the appropriate length during warm weather months. Undergarments should not be visible. School officials may regulate dress and hairstyles when such styles present a health or safety hazard or a disruption to the educational program.