Welcome Letter

Dear Shabonee School Families:

Welcome to another exciting year of learning at Shabonee School! We are thrilled to have you join our school. Shabonee has numerous opportunities for our children to develop lifelong skills and we hope that your child participates in all that District 27 has to offer.

The Shabonee School Handbook provides a great deal of important information regarding our programs and services, as well as our policies and procedures. Please take time to read the handbook thoroughly and discuss this information with your children. The positive relationship between home and school helps to promote the well-being of our children and their learning process.

We strive to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. To do this, we will utilize our school website, Canvas announcements and principal newsletter to get information out to our parents in a timely manner.

Please feel free to contact any member of our school staff if you have any questions or concerns. We encourage a close proactive relationship with our parents and look forward to working with you. Shabonee is a wonderful
environment for developing young minds and we hope to create lasting memories for your child. Please remember that our door is always open for questions, comments or concerns.


Dr. John Panozzo

Lauren Weingarten
Assistant Principal