Shabonee News
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We strive to maintain a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal process. Dismissal typically finishes in about 10 minutes. Third and fourth grade students are dismissed between Door P (Grade 3) or Door O (Grade 4) on Shabonee Trail. Vehicles should pull up as close to Door P as possible and wait in line along the sidewalk on Shabonee Trail for students to walk to the vehicle. Please do not pull around the line to the front or park along the North side of Shabonee Trail. Remain in your car, and students will load as vehicles pull up to the cones. Traffic cones indicate areas for pick-up. Staff is present to help support this process. As always, please use caution at all times and obey all stop signs along Shabonee Trail.
Parking is prohibited on Crabtree Lane and the surrounding neighborhoods.
Should parents need to park, do so in the east parking lot located off Pfingsten Road, exit your vehicle, and meet your child on the sidewalk. Children are not allowed to cross over to the parking lot without an adult accompanying them. This is for the safety of the children. School personnel will continue to help supervise students during dismissal and ensure parents follow safety rules during peak traffic times. Please drive cautiously.