School Newsletters
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Thank You & Winter Break
We want to share a special "thank you" to all of our room parents who helped make the classroom holiday celebrations a great experience for the kids on Friday afternoon. In addition, the staff would like to thank the PTA for the tasty holiday luncheon they provided us. We are truly grateful for our collaboration with our students' families. We wish all of our families a wonderful holiday season as we embark on the two-week winter hiatus. All District 27 schools will be closed during the break, and school will resume on Monday, January 6, 2025.
The STAR reading and math assessments will be administered on January 9 and 10 during the regular reading and math periods. These computer-adaptive assessments measure a student’s general knowledge in reading and mathematics. Computer-adaptive tests (CATs) continually adjust the difficulty of each child’s test by choosing each test question based on the child’s previous response. If the child answers a question correctly, the difficulty level of the next item is increased. If the child misses a question, the difficulty level is decreased. CATs save testing time and spare students the frustration of answering items that are too difficult or easy. Students typically complete the assessments in 20 to 30 minutes. The assessments are given three times during the year (fall, winter, and spring) and help us monitor progress. Results will be shared with parents later in the month.
Shabonee Spirit Days
- 10 - Shabonee Spirit
- 24 - Animal Day (stuffed animals, animal print clothing/themes)
- 31 - Beach Day