School Newsletters

Shabonee Newsletter - PBIS Kindness Initiative, Music Performances, Arrival/Dismissal and more..

Hooray! We wrapped up a few partial mornings of Terra Nova testing this week. The results of the assessment will be sent home to parents in January. Thanks for your support at home this week! 

PBIS Kindness Initiative 

As we continue to promote our SWIM expectations (Show Respect, We’re Responsible, and I’M Kind), our December PBIS initiative will focus on acts of kindness. This initiative will entail having students write letters to the elder community in Northbrook as one of the acts of kindness. We are hoping that this initiative will help students understand how a small gesture can mean so much to someone who is feeling lonely at this time of year. The Shabonee PTA is partnering with us to promote a Raise Above campaign to further instill kindness among our dolphins. The PTA’s Raise Above initiative promotes acts of kindness at home, school and in the community while supporting Shabonee. 

Students write letters to elders to promote kindness

Upcoming Music Performances

District 27 Choral Performance on Wednesday, December 11

Children who participate in the chorus will perform at Wood Oaks on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30 pm. There will be a practice at Wood Oaks before school from 8:00 am to 9:30 am. Children should be dropped off at Wood Oaks Door A, where Ms. Simonsen will meet them in the morning. Students will be bussed back to Shabonee for the rest of the day. For the evening performance, chorus members arrive starting at 6:00 pm to warm up. Shabonee music teacher and chorus director, Ms. Simonsen, shared more information with the parents of these children. We look forward to the concert on Wednesday night. 

Instrumental Music Performances - December 12 (Orchestra) and 16 (Band)

Orchestra: Thursday, December 12 at 9:00 am (livestreamed) and 6:30 pm for families 

Band: Monday, December 16 at 2:25 pm (livestreamed) and 6:30 pm for families

Our winter Band and Orchestra concerts are coming up next week. There are two performances each day. One will be for students only and another for families in the evening. The daytime performances will be livestreamed for those who cannot attend in the evening. A popup message will be posted on our website with the link to view the performance each day. 

The students are excited to perform, and we look forward to a terrific evening together. All performers should arrive no earlier than 6:00 pm and go to their designated warm-up space. Families will report to the gym. 

Student Warm-Up Locations

  • 4th and 5th Grade Orchestra: Flex Space
  • 4th Grade Band: Flex Space
  • 5th Grade Band: SDR

The doors will open at 6:00 pm. for the 6:30 pm performance. Please do not arrive earlier as the building will not be open. We encourage you to carpool with friends and neighbors. Park only in dedicated parking spots and use extra caution when entering and leaving school grounds. Parking is available in the main lot located off Pfingsten Road, the alternate lot located off Moon Hill Drive, and overflow parking is available behind the gym once the parking lots are completely filled. You may enter at Doors A or N beginning at 6:00 pm. The gymnasium has stairs. Please contact the school office in advance if you have special needs accessing the space so that we can make arrangements with you. 

The Shabonee Performing Arts page includes information about our music program, upcoming events throughout the year, and more. For evening performances, we also include event parking information.

Arrival & Dismissal via Car Lines 

We strive to maintain a safe and efficient arrival and dismissal process. Dismissal typically finishes in about 10 minutes. Third and fourth grade students are dismissed between Door P (Grade 3) or Door O (Grade 4) on Shabonee Trail. Vehicles should pull up as close to Door P as possible and wait in line along the sidewalk on Shabonee Trail for students to walk to the vehicle. Please do not pull around the line to the front or park along the North side of Shabonee Trail. Remain in your car, and students will load as vehicles pull up to the cones. Traffic cones indicate areas for pick-up. Staff is present to help support this process. As always, please use caution at all times and obey all stop signs along Shabonee Trail. 

Parking is prohibited on Crabtree Lane and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Should parents need to park, do so in the east parking lot located off Pfingsten Road, exit your vehicle, and meet your child on the sidewalk. Children are not allowed to cross over to the parking lot without an adult accompanying them. This is for the safety of the children. School personnel will continue to help supervise students during dismissal and ensure parents follow safety rules during peak traffic times. Please drive cautiously.  

Lost and Found

There are many items waiting to be reunited with their owners! Everything is on display for children or parents to retrieve before winter break. Anything remaining at the winter break will be donated. Consider writing your child’s name on the tag of their jacket. We can easily return items when they are labeled. 

Shabonee Spirit Days

  • 13 - Comfy Day
  • 20 - Holiday/Vacation Theme Day